Entering the 30s jobless and loveless? Fret not. Here’s what to do.

I grew up in a place where people dont like the idea of getting old; where people are flattered and always like to be mistaken to be younger than they actually are.

Thanks to a friend of mine – for whatever reason, she states her age right away when asked. I saw how people reacted with “rrreally? You dont look like it!” That was way back 2013.

That made me do the same thing. I realized since then that’s better than asking people to guess your age as many people here do (because they love to find out if people think they’re young) or avoiding the question altogether. (Luckily, I get the same “i thought you were only blah blah!” Hehe. After all, who does not want to be perceived young?)

Growing a year older is not something to dread or fear or be ashamed of. Yes, even if your age is nowhere to be found in the calendar, even if you happen to be jobless or loveless or both on the day you turn 30 something. It will happen no matter what.

So what are the best things to do when you’re turning 30 (or any age), jobless and loveless? Here’s what I do.

5. Take a break. Especially if you’ve worked like there’s no tomorrow, take a break. Go on vacation, sleep all day, do nothing or anything (harmless) that you enjoy or find interesting for a few days to a couple of weeks. In my case, I stayed home, took online courses and did whatever productive thing I could think of. Not fun, yes, but it satisfied the cravings of my mind. Doing just anything I could think of lets me know myself better.

4. Declutter. As soon as you get tired of doing nothing or just anything, go over your stuff and get rid of those that you almost never use. Besides helping you overcome your attachment to material things, the process allows for some reflection. You need not do it in one sitting and only once in your life.

3. Reflect. Think about your past. Br careful not to dwell on reliving tit, especially the painful and ugly memories in your head. Instead, focus on the lessons it taught you. Write these lessons down as these will help you with the next best thing to do.

2. Do a personal strategic planning. Keeping the lessons learned in mind, visualize who you want to be or what kind of life you want to live in the next five years. Make that vision very clear and write them down. They these two- visuization and writing down- are very important and are actually keys to achieving what your mind conceives. I didnt know that when I first wrote down my midterm and longterm plans back in college (14 years ago) but I find that it’s always nice to have something to look back to see if you were able to achieve what you intended to do way back when. So there, visualize and write down your life goals!

1. Say ‘thank you’. Being jobless and loveless in your thirties is no reason to fret growing another year older. It’s another yearlong chance to strive to get what your heart desires! 😍 So be grateful and say thank you to your Creator, to the people around you, to yourself or to whoever. Just feel grateful and you will feel great.

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